Sunday, February 20, 2011

Artaud, Briefly

Had the pleasure of seeing EgoPo's production of Artaud Unbound tonight, featuring stagings of his radio scenarios, black-and-white scenarios, and "Spurt of Blood" with readings from "Theater and its Double". Quite the treat, to understate it.

When you will have made him a body without organs,
then you will have delivered him from all his automatic reactions
and restored him to his true freedom.

Then you will teach him again to dance wrong side out
as in the frenzy of dance halls
and this wrong side out will be his real place.

- To Have Done with the Judgment of God


  1. I never understood 'body with out organs' (because no one explained it good). I thought that were he to become a BWO, then he would cease to be a he also. Granted that makes communication of the idea much harder.

  2. Yeah, I mean, Artaud was arguably way off his rocker, but I believe he belonged to the "soul is the prisoner of the body" party; bodily functions are cruel. His total theater is impossible, partly because of the body (you very well can't go out and massacre your audience to give them an experience).
